Success Stories

Alosa Health programs are well-received by healthcare decisionmakers:

“This is a great review. There is always something more I can learn and it’s a great way to validate that I am doing the right thing.”

“I was planning on updating on the new meds but didn’t have time and you have done that for me.”

“I liked the evidence algorithm giving the bottom line of the steps of prescribing for diabetes.”

“Great topic for our practice, excellent information.”

“Reinforcement to try other methods of relieving pain rather than going right to opioids.”

“Excellent review of pharmacologic options for neuropathic pain treatment.”

“Changed the way I approach [opioid] use.”

“It influences responsibility for my prescribing behavior.”

“We have lots of patients on pain medication. Trying to get them off is difficult. This will be helpful to use.”

“Will look more closely at narcotic medications being prescribed to elderly.”

“I always challenge the drug reps, but when you’re here, I know this is solid information.”

“I love these talks, they are the most helpful to me and there is always something I can immediately put to use.”

“This will help with my Board re-certification.”

“Great job…true education need and I’m pleased to see DPH taking a lead in this program.”

“I am looking forward to incorporating this information in our Dementia Training Program. [The academic detailer] was very informative and easy to speak with.”

“Excited to see a formal education not by [a] pharmacy company.”

“This is a program that is much needed to support and help caretakers provide safe care.”

“Wonderful and helpful information to support our elderly population. Thank you!”